Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Journal 11 - Kyle Smith

In the picture used for the profile of Dr, Hepcat, was a book that by the look of it is about the language he used as a radio host called jive. It was a secret language, used mostly by African Americans that they would use, so the common person didn't know what they were speaking. It was their own hidden language and they would use it on the radio broadcasting. This is important because this was commonly used through the 40's and 50's by jazz musicians and radio shows. 
This is what he was holding on the picture for the profile.

Example of Jive:
     Swellelegant: wonderful, marvelous.
     Flip the grip: to shake hands.
     Homey: a person from one’s home town.

He was also a reverend later in his life after his 15 years in the radio business. He tied his reverend days with his days as a Baseball caster. " I can talk about the lord now just like baseball then" (pg 179) I thought this was interesting because the fact that he even put these two things in the same sentence. Its to show his passion is very great for everything he is done through his life.

In history it was first Colored rights and this mostly effected African Americans and then later down the road it was womens rights. A big thing that happened recently was gay marriage rights but some still are excluded from this. Its hard to live in a society where you are seen as a small person.

An Important theme is the fact he knew he was going to have a hard time as a colored person to make it in the real world. '' Course, you knew it was kind of tough-- to be black on a white mans radio'' This was extremely tough during this time period but he stuck with it and did make it and was very successful. At the end of this profile he says being one of the few to do this he inspired many people. "He says he keeps the door open for people to come along in to make progress into a changing time." also included on this page was. "You cannot stop progress" (pg 180) This is especially true when it is for the greater good and you should fight for what you deserve and don't give up on it.


Journal 11 by Christian Poncsak

Lydia Emery:

 Some observations I have made after reading the Lydia Emery profile was that the photo showed her with her doctor's bag and necessary equipment hanging around her that she needs in order to make a house call. She She had a smile on her face within her profile picture showing that even though she's at an age where she can retire she still pursues her career because of the great love she has for caring for people. I also noticed while reading her profile is that throughout the text there are people such as her brother and another female doctor in the Valley tell her what she should do and how to live her life. For instance her brother had suggested that she should become a nurse instead of a doctor. Another instance was with the female doctor up in the Valley. The female doctor had became upset for the fees that Lydia charged because it should that women don't deserve equal pay as men deserve. Lydia didn't care because she truly cherished the patient of hers well being. she wasn't in it for the money. Lastly, I noticed at the top of the page her profile was written in italics that introduced who she was in this world before she told her story. the italicized lettering was an introduction done by the author of holding on, Isay Wang.        

Some connections I had made with Lydia emery's profile had been to my own experience. For instance she didn't know that she wanted to become a doctor at first. She had taught in a one-room schoolhouse for many years after high school before she enrolled in Mennonite college taking pre-med courses.She didn't know exactly what she wanted to do right out of high school which I related to with today's society especially in America. So many people in the United States that come right out of high school don't know what they want to do and in college majors are switched around all the time. no one is set in stone with their life especially older adults that make three to four career changes within their lifetime. Life has a way of surprising oneself. Another connection I made to Lydia Emery was that she wanted to be a doctor to people who where seriously ill or had something wrong where as today many people go to medical school to become a doctor to make lots of money. she wasn't about getting rich. She charged her patients one dollar because she knew about economic hardships. 

A question I have from this profile for Lydia is what makes you overcome fear and what life moments have made you fearful?

A theme for Lydia emery's profile would have to be compassion. she shows absolute complete compassion for others and what she does with her career. She has taught me to do something you love with the soul purpose of the people in the world. Never do something for the money or do something that you love but do it for the people in the world.

Marion Walker: 

Some observations I had made for Marion Walker was that in her profile photo she looked very elderly as if she should be retired. She sat right next to a big type writer which to me shows that she is always willing to work and enjoys working. she doesn't plan to stop working anytime soon. Another observation I made about her profile was the length of her profile. She had such a short profile that her profile made me think the most of what her story was more of than what was written about her. Lastly, Marion Walker to me seems like she wants to be left alone out in the middle of nowhere. She said her general store was out in the middle of nowhere between the Texas-Mexico border. She is a women who takes life simple and has no fancy ways about her life. She seems like she is a calm person as well with the way she comments.

A connection I made to her and the world is that some people don't need fancy things in order to survive in life. They are completely content with what they have given to them. At the general store it talked about how there was a gas pump that hasn't worked in years and there were shelves partially stocked with produce. Most people these days who own a store would fix the gas pump and stock the shelves ASAP. She was okay with how things where at the store.

A question I did have that was the only question I had that kept repeating in my mind was why is her profile so short? What makes it special that it's the shortest one?

A theme I encountered with her story was a theme about hope floats. She is a hopeful minded person in the sense of not going with society norms but instead waits quietly to what her future may entail.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Journal 11 By Jami Riegel

                My first profile is on Mariano and Clara Lucca. They both are Curators of The Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabel Museum in Buffalo, New York. 
                The photo they used for this book looks very creepy. To me, at first glance it looks like the story is going to be about the paranormal. They should have had better lighting or maybe had one done on the deck also. They are both VERY passionate about Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabela but I think that Mariano is the one who likes to talk more than Clara when they are asked questions because he would with no hesitation have an answer right then and Clara would not have a chance to speak. The Smithsonian Institute actually wanted to buy a lot of their memorabilia. Even offered them $50,000 for the ship but Mariano turned it down. They have more in their Museum than the Smithsonian has in their collection. 
                When Mariano was asked about how Columbus is perceived today Mariano goes on and says that now they say "Columbus was a stinker." I says, " You have a constitutional right to say what you want, but I got a constitutional right to tell you when the hell your wrong!"
                We can connect Christopher Columbus today by knowing that even though we were taught in school he was the first person to come to America, we know today he was not.
                Some research I found is that Mariano he ran for congress in the 50's and 60's and then founded the National Columbus Day committee in 1966 and began lobbying congress to declare a holiday for Christopher Columbus. Two years later it passed and started in October 1971.

                My second profile is on Dugout Dick Zimmerman. The owner of The Dugout Ranch. He puts together these little rooms made from anything left over in the junk yard. He started out like a hermit wanting to be alone but soon after he made these little huts he found himself a tourist attraction. The photos are great I think. They capture the essence of who he is, a loner, creative, and sweet old man.
                 I would have loved to stay in them for a night but after his death in 2010 the city took control of the property and after taking his belongings out of them they filled each cave with dirt because they said it was unsafe. Makes me sad to think everything he worked on and lived in for years was all destroyed in a matter of days. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Patrick Lynch:Journal 11

Percy Brigham's profile was pretty interesting to read since it was about an old form of fishing being lost because of government buying out the land near the river. While reading Percy's profile I found the second image to be really hopefully in showing what scaffold fishing was like. The importance of the picture is it helps the reader get a better image of what is being talked about in the profile. One observation I noticed in the Percy profile that was similar to Lydia's was that they both wouldn't let money affect what they like doing. In the Percy profile he refused to take the three thousand dollar bride to move away from the water at Celilo. Lydia who was a country doctor didn't let people convince her to raise the price for her service because she believe that being a doctor was about the work you do for people not the money you bring in. This is important because it connects the profiles together to share a common theme. My last observation is that Percy's profile is composed mostly in third person and switches to first person to give first hand images of what Percy went through. This is important because it gives more information to the reader while highlighting the important stuff in the first person point of view.

A connection that I made in Percy's profile was that Percy passed on his tradition of fishing. Percy passed it on to his children and know they own boats as well. This reminded me of when my dad taught me how to fish and asked me to help him every once in awhile with raising fish.

A question that I had about Percy's profile were about what made platform fishing special to him? I wanted to know this because it would give a better sense of how much it meant to him.

The research I looked up was how much impact do dams have on ecosystems. Dams affect the ecosystem by disturbing spawning habits of fish which in turn means certain fish start to die off or migrate to a new area. One of big impacts on the ecosystem is it raise water levels and causes certain sediments that carrier nutrients to help grow the ecosystem to dam up and not reach the areas beyond the dam. Causing that ecosystem to die out over time

Journal 11 Ali

The first person that I got was Lydia Emery. After observing her picture she is such a cute little old woman, who looks like she just wants to help others. Observing the text I noticed that authors of the book gave a little background information about her, and then led into her interview. Also within this text I noticed that she was faced with many challenges and opinions about her career. While reading Lydia's story she told me about what a nurse felt about her, "...she was very upset with me because I didn't charge more, that I was "projecting the wrong image", that a woman doctor should make just as much as a man doctor..."(Isay 144). This interview took place back in the 1940's and there is still controversy over women's rights. Men still get paid more than women in certain occupations. Everyone deserves the same pay regardless of their gender; but I agree with Lydia. "...because to me, medicine should be a measure of what you're doing, not how much money you're making"(Isay 144). After reading this passage it helped me realize that work is not all about money. You should be working to help others, not for the money. One question that I had after reading this was "How many women are doctors are there today?" In 2011 there were as many as 14.8 million women in the US were in medicine. The overall theme I discovered from this passage was "don't give up on what you believe in". Lydia didn't give up on her dream of becoming a doctor because most women weren't, and she didn't give up because of fearing her father won't accept her. Lydia was an extraordinary woman who wasn't afraid to go after her wildest dreams. The second passage I read was about Marion Walker. She too was a cute little old woman, but this woman didn't seem as happy and go lucky as Lydia, she seemed to be little more serious about life. While reading this I noticed that this passage was quite short and to the point. After reading this story I learned something, that little businesses like Howard and Walker's have severely declined over the years. Today you only see big business that are outstretched over the entire United States. Big business are what makes the big bucks, causing little shops to disappear. The theme that I got from Marion is," not everyone can take the heat". At the end of the passage this was stated, "A few weeks before we arrived, Ms. Howard retired, leaving Marion Walker to run the store by herself. "Nellie just got tired, I guess". Their business was in the middle of no where and I guess Nellie just simply gave up on the business and quit; leaving all the work to Marion Walker. Nellie couldn't handle the heat anymore leaving it all on Marion.

Journal 11 By Daniel Van Dyke

The two profiles that i will be analyzing are Calvin and Preston. In the Calvin profile we met Ms. Calvin and her son and right away we notice she is having trouble remembering things. the reason for this is she had a few small strokes before Isasy did the interview. Because of these strokes her son did most of talking in the interview. This is important because it shows the reader  how the strokes have effected Ms. Calvin. The next observation in this profile is the picture. Ms. Calvin would paint the mannequin faces so they are life like. With her face not really showing much emotion its almost like shes one of the mannequins too. The last observation i made is in the Preston profile is the passion Mr. Preston has for the Lincoln Highway. He kept track of the different kinds of cars that went by which he recorded 2,720 different kinds. This is important because it gives the reader an insight on what type of person Preston is.

I made a connection with Preston profile todays world. In his profile he has a collection of anything that was ever associated to the Lincoln Highway. One of my moms friends has a collection of model cars but only models of NASCAR. His whole garage is full of them and they were neat to look at. Another connection is with the TV show American Pickers. The travels around the country to buy things from these types of put who have been holding on to stuff most of their life.

In the reading one question I had was is there still people today who paints life like faces by hand? I would think today all that artwork would be done by machines as with technology being mover advance since Ms. Calvin time. The research i did was about Mr Preston town he had his gas station. Belle Plaine, Iowa has about 2,500 people living there currently. The name Belle Plaine comes from the french meaning "beautiful plain". Today there are only about 10 business in the town.

Journal 11

The profile on Bill Seward, owner of the Jersey Lilly Bar and Cafe, was composed by three main points. The profile start outs with David Isay and Harvey Wang Arriving at the ghost town of Ingomar, Montana. Descriptive Writing is used to describe the desolate town and what happens in the town.
The Profile goes on to tell a short overview  of Bill Seward's life story in chronological order.
A total of Two photographs were used in this profile. The first is a picture of Bill Seward leaning out from behind a wall of his bar.

Journal 11: Gunnar Flavell not finished

The profile of Matt Kennedy really reminds me of why i am interested in historical things like Coney Island.  Matt explained how he was born in Coney Island in the early 1900's and how you could go there and buy a combination ticket with fifty rides on it for fifty cents.  FIFTY CENTS! That is absolutely amazing, and goes to show how the times are changing.  In the reading Kennedy goes to explain how hes been the director at the chamber of commerce since 1950 and loves dealing with any questions someone calls and has about Coney Island.  He said some people call about missing family members who lived there at the turn of the century, and others call about things like how warm the water is and Kennedy will tell them to hold on while he goes to check, when in reality hes just going to take a whiz.  The photo posted with the profile is very interesting to me, because it shows the price to ride the cyclone later on the the 1990's for 3 dollars compared to the original price to ride in the park.

Journal 11: Sydney Alspach

The profile that I chose to write about was Mike Gashwazra, a religious reader. Mike is eighty-eight years old, is the oldest man to live in the oldest continent in the oldest town; he lives in Hopi of Oraibi in North America. Reading this profile I noticed that Mike and the other villagers are very proud and honorable to their beliefs. One of their biggest beliefs is to keep fighting to keep running water and electricity out of their village. The reason they do not want those things in their town is because of the way that they farm but also they fear that the electricity will take away the warm sun and that the sun might not provide them with anymore heat. The last thing that I observed was that they white men "bahanna." As Americans I realized why we would Mike and his people to change but after reading his profile I noticed that is their way of life and we shouldn't try to change they way that they live or what they believe in. I observed Mikes photo from his profile and saw that he has arm around the wood, kind of like holding on to it. I felt like the picture symbolized his love for nature, his religion, and also himself very well. The other profile I wanted to write about was Matt Kennedy. I noticed that he still loves his job at this age and it is just they way he is.

Matt Kennedy and Mike Gashwazra have to great profiles that can really make us think more as an American but in a different perspective. In Mike's profile his greatest fear is that electricity will take over his village and they will not be able to live the way of life that they all believe in. In today's society we could not go without electricity! We use electricity for just about everything in our day to day life. When I see younger children playing with Iphones, Ipads, tablets, anything electronic it makes see a much bigger picture. As I child all I ever did was use my imagination to play outside or around my house. I never had a greater technology to take that away from me. I understand why Mike doesn't want electricity to come in his town because it really has taken over the world. Most people could not live without it. I think it would be a challenge for us Americans to try to live without electricity, technology, cellphone, or anything that is technical. We as Americans may see the bigger picture and realize how much more their is to the world than electricity

My biggest question is why aren't more people supporting what they believe in rather than bringing them down? If something major were to happen with electricity they would know how to survive and teach us how too but if we keep putting them down they aren't going to want to teach us when we will need it the most. One of the main themes both of these profiles have are self-motivation. They both believe in so much more and don't let people try to dictate their life. I believe that us as readers should learn from that.

Journal 11 By Gabbie Schilling

One thing that I observed in this profile was that the man talked as if he wasn't well educated, his grammar wasn't the best. But he seemed to truly enjoy what he was doing. Preston had every kind of oil, gas, cigarettes, and he could tell a story about any town on the Lincoln Highway. Another thing I observed was that Preston seemed to be a very caring and kind man. He once let a man stay with him for a whole week. Something I noticed about his picture was that his station had a lot of signs hung on the outside, and the door was open. I think that the door being open just goes to show that he was an inviting man, who would take in anybody.
Another profile that interested me was the one of Lydia Emery, because she set high goals for herself in life and achieved them through hard work and dedication. I really liked her outlook on making money and working. She says "...because to me, medicine should be a measure of what you're doing, not how much money you're making" (144). I think this is important because it shows that you can find something that you enjoy, and not worry about the money that you're making. It seems that she was very passionate about her job, and was eager to help others when needed.

I think a connection to the real world from this profile would be my hometown. In my village there are two gas stations both are more or less run down. They are a little more up to date than Preston's station, but the way they are run are similar. The owners of one of the gas stations are more hillbilly, but they are some of the nicest people I have talked to. They recently bought the station from the previous owner because he had cancer and was going to shut the station down for good. I think that we can all learn from Preston in that kindness can go a long way, and it can create and be our happiness.

A question that came to my mind during this profile was, why? Why did Preston want to buy a gas station at the age of 13? A topic I looked up was nailing tires on cars, I found that they did this when the tires or wheels were made of wood. This was of course before the production of the rubber tire.

journal 11-Carli Swisher

     The profile I have is Dan Barlow and he is a fundamentalist Mormon and Mayor. For my research on this profile I wanted to look up the Mormon religion and their beliefs because I felt it would give me a better  understanding on why they were discriminated against. What I found out was that they believe they are children of the lord and were sent to earth to live a mortal life. They also are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and they live their lives to serve him and teach of his eternal plan of each of us. The last thing I learned about them is that some of them practice polygamy which is having more than one spouse. After reading this I connected it to todays world.
     In todays world their is a T.V show called sister wives which is about a Mormon family who practices polygamy. The father has 4 wives I believe and they all live in the same area. I think that the Dan Barlow profile can teach us to not be so judgmental towards the sister wives show because they have always been discriminated against. They are just practicing their religion just as everyone else is in the world even though we may not agree with it or practice the same things.
    One question I had about this profile was why the police and government were after the Mormons in the first place. It wasn't very clear to me why this was happening but I could tell from what Barlow was saying that he was very upset and still is to this day.
   Some observations I found about this profile were that you could really tell that the Mormon group was very concerned about what was going to happen to them and they all stuck together to fight through the situation. Another observation I had was that Barlow was very brave through the raid he along with others put their life on the line just to make sure they could worn the others in the town.
    While reading the profiles I also  liked the Evangeline Calvin profile. One thing I really noticed was her picture. when I first looked at it I thought was in the world is this going to be about and then after I read it I thought the picture was perfect. I think it really showed the amazing work she did and how truly confused she is. You tell by the look on her face that she was very confused throughout the interview and her son did a great job of helping with her story during the interview .

Journal 11 - Skyler Buschman

1.) Three things that I noticed about the profiles I read were, the author tries to depict almost the hopelessness, or dead end roads that some of these people are at with their lives, careers or occupations. Zimmerman makes a living off of scavenging precious metals and Marion Walker maintains a general store in a very small town at the dead end of a highway. The second picture on Zimmermans profile, to me, explains perfectly why someone would choose the life that he does. It's beautiful, secluded and peaceful. That in itself makes the experience worth it I would think. Lastly, the uniqueness of each of these people and their lives is most important. Each is described as being passionate or holding onto something that seems like a thing of the past and tries to show how important these things are/used to be to people.
2.) Maintaining your dreams and having passions is something that everyone should take from this book. All of these people, for better or worse, have amazing stories to tell about what they've done and what they love doing. Everyone should be able to live their life doing what they love or being in pursuit of happiness.
3.)  How did David & Harvey (Authors) find all these people? How did they choose the people they were going to profile?
A picture of the city of Salmon, Idaho. In the background are the mountains Zimmerman lives in.
Population: 3000 in 2010

Stanley Kilarr Journal 11 mohammed

   1.)    When looking at the photo we see a man in his bedroom being surrounded by his collection of his records. U can see his fascination with them because it looks like he is still talking about them while his picture is being taken. I can see in this profile that it is more of quotes from Kilarr than the author’s words. When I read I saw that Kilarr's attitude toward things are very chill. He loves his records but when the earthquake happened and several of them got knocked over and piled up he just said “That’s the way life is”.

   2.)    A lot of people now still hold dearly to their collections whether its books, action figures, magazines, etc. Kilarr is just holding on to his love for his collection of records like any other person would do for their priceless collection. We can learn calmness and persistence from killer. He keeps his collection and doesn’t give up even though the earthquake set him back but also doesn’t get mad because that happened.

   3.)    One question I would have is what would he want to do to his collection when he passes away?

   4.)    The vocabulary that would be important to know is the old time meanings for the records and what is used to play them. Like phonograph, which was a way to mechanically record and produce sound. And those took cylinder records which had groves on them and would be put into a phonograph. And a normal record which was a flattened disc with groves that would produce sound when put on the machine. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Comments for Christian and Kyle: Bill Gates

For your comments on Presentations:

First, write about something well done.  What did you learn from this group?  What part of the Presentation seemed the best?  Be specific.

Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear?  What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished?  Be specific.

Post all comments for this group below this post, please, as we all need feedback, and it's valuable.

Comments for Carli, Sydney and Gabbie: Nick Sparks

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First, write about something well done.  What did you learn from this group?  What part of the Presentation seemed the best?  Be specific.

Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear?  What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished?  Be specific.

Post all comments for this group below this post, please, as we all need feedback, and it's valuable.

Comments for Natalie and Ali: Taylor Swift

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First, write about something well done.  What did you learn from this group?  What part of the Presentation seemed the best?  Be specific.

Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear?  What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished?  Be specific.

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Comments for Jamie and Estelle: Jennifer Lawrence

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First, write about something well done.  What did you learn from this group?  What part of the Presentation seemed the best?  Be specific.

Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear?  What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished?  Be specific.

Post all comments for this group below this post, please, as we all need feedback, and it's valuable.

Comments for Pat and Daniel: Tiger Woods

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Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear?  What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished?  Be specific.

Post all comments for this group below this post, please, as we all need feedback, and it's valuable.

Commnets for Mohammed and Skyler: N.W.A.

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Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear?  What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished?  Be specific.

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Comments for Philip and Gunnar: Michael Jordan

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First, write about something well done.  What did you learn from this group?  What part of the Presentation seemed the best?  Be specific.

Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear?  What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished?  Be specific.

Post all comments for this group below this post, please, as we all need feedback, and it's valuable.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

snapshot 5 natalie

Everybody values different things with their creativity and imagination in life. Our imagination and creativity when we are younger is what first shapes us into who we want to be and the life we want to live when we grow up and depending on how you are raised, you may have completely different values than another. Alissa (Ali) Wright, age 19, is a freshman at The Ohio State University studying Psychology and was asked numerous questions about her everyday life and how her personal creativity and imagination affects her. The first question asked was what are you most passionate about? Without any hesitation, Ali, quickly replied with cheerleading. Preforming has always been a huge part of Ali's life from singing in choir to cheerleading. The second question asked was where do you get your best creative ideas from? Ali replied with going to football games and watching/ observing cheers. By doing so she is able to look at other cheers and see what she could learn from them whether it be seeing what she can add to her cheers to make better or seeing what she should change. Lastly, Ali, was asked where does creativity come from, in your view? she said, by simply being yourself. I also find that to be true, because if you are too busy trying to be somebody you're not, you loose track of who you are and your creativity.
Here is a photo of Ali and I enjoying some Starbucks.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Snapshot 5- Kyle Smith

Interview with Philip Matrix.

He has the ability to use imagination and creativity as his his daily solver for problems that arise. He is a very creative person and uses this through his passions that include building things with his hands and just trying to solve something like if a tractor gets stuck through his daily life on the farm. The things he likes to make with his hands include things like metal working, houses and restoring historical buildings. When working on solving a problem, if things don't work out, you need to go to a new creative idea. He constantly thinks this way and if something doesn't work out, he doesn't give up. Today society gives a hindrance on our creativity but this doesn't stop him. It makes him try harder. We are told as an individuals to be our selves this is done through mass media, music, books and even parents. People constantly are told that they are not good enough and that their idea is stupid and won't work. Sometimes it is hard to live with all this negativity. Some like this makes people conform to society. So many people are focused on tearing each other down rather than building each other up. A place where creativity is lost is through the school system and he related this back to the Hobart Shakespearians movie we watched in class on how he gave this unique experience to each of his students so the kids can feel like they are special and unique. This led to future success of these students. Some of the kids had high expectations of what they wanted to be in the future. This is a great message to teach kids and society. We should work on helping each other with our ideas rather than tearing each other down.

Snapshot 5 Kyle Smith

Creativity and imagination helps define a person based upon what they've been through and what they are going through in the current moment of life. It let's a person release and become apart of something that allows them to wander in their minds without any judgment.

I interviewed Kyle Smith who showed many passions about a lot of things. Kyle had said that his best artistic ability would have to be being a visionary and seeing how things will all work out in the end. He said, "I do this with my drawings." He uses imagination to see how his day will work out like a puzzle. He has stated, "It has to fit in the right place like creating an image."

A goal Kyle said he reached by getting creative was a goal in his high school's engineering class. He was required to build battery cars that worked. He wanted to go above and beyond so he built a light weight car which turned out to be the fastest car in the classes history.

The best color to describe Kyle would have to be the color blue. He's an organizer and likes to keeps things tidy in his life. He said that peer pressure is the greatest hinderance to our society which happens a lot through school. When kid's get bullied they feel like they must conform to society and can't be unique. There should be more positive reinforcement like the Hobart Shakespearians.

Kyle is someone that is an encouragement to be different and doesn't let society tell him otherwise. He is someone who is willing to work hard to get what he wants and won't let an obstacle stop him.    

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Snapshot 5 by Philip Mattix

 I interviewed Kyle Smith. Creativity has a big impact on his life, it means a lot to him and he uses his creative abilities all the time in various activities in his life.
Kyle's strongest aspect of creativity is his ability to visualize. Whenever he is working on a project he can use his imagination to visualize in his mind what he wants to make or accomplish. When using his imagination for architecture, he can visualize the design and function of the building.
Kyle is passionate about many things, but art is in the top of his list. He enjoys drawing, it really allows him to use  his creative talents.

Kyle Smith sketching 
 When interviewing Kyle we talked about what hinders people to be less creative. Kyle believes that the greatest hindrance to creativity in our society is that there is a pressure to conform to society. More emphasis is placed on being like everyone else and fitting in rather than being unique. Being unique lets a person be their own creative self's. 
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Monday, November 16, 2015

Snapshot 5 By Jami Riegel

        Creativity is the use of your imagination, and your own ideas. It helps define who you are as a person.
         I interviewed Estelle. Her first question was what is your best artistic ability, she replied that her best artistic ability is that she can draw. She loves drawing nature, animals, and is attempting to get better at drawling people.
         Estelle was asked how creativity and imagination influence your idenity and she replied, "I believe this shapes who I am. If I wasn't able to express myself in the ways I do I wouldn't be me".
         I asked her to tell me a story on how you reached a goal by being creative, Estelle said that she has had people come up to her and ask her to draw ideas for their tattoos. "I drew this awesome scorpion. Probably the best I've done yet. I spent so much time on it and the lady absolutely loved it".
         Estelle said that turqoise is the color that best descibes her because it's such a unique color and I consider myself like that in my own little way. I want to be able to express myself in my own way in the world and on my own terms.
         Estelle is passionate about a lot of things so it's hard to pick one but for her it is her family. Next to them she would say animals.
          I think Estelle is a very passionate, strong willed person. She knows what she wants and is willing to be herself to get it and not fall in with the crowd just to fit in. If I wasn't such a whimp on getting a tattoo, I would love for her to design a tattoo for me.
This is Estelle Runals.  In this picture you can already tell she is a upbeat, sweet young lady.

Snapshot 5 Ali

Creativity and imagination are the two things that make everyone unique in their own special way. Everyone has dreams, goals, and values. Everyone has hopes of achieving the most ridiculous things; such as becoming a princess as a little girl, to becoming a superstar, to eventually becoming something like a doctor. People are very naïve when their younger, and accept reality with our new forms of dreams. Creativity and Imagination are important things to a person. Take those things away and they are simply nothing, just a boring person trying to fit in with the rest of society.

Natalie Young, 17 years old. A freshman at the Ohio State University was asked some questions about her own take on creativity and imagination. “What’s the greatest hindrance to creativity in our society?” she replied with “People are so focused on other people’s approval. They lose track of themselves and their own creative ability, based on what other people think.” Natalie was very passionate about this subject of people’s approval. She explained how she can’t understand why people’s opinions are so important to our society, and many individuals. Natalie does what ever she wants, and doesn't take into consideration how others might feel. She is a very confident and head strong person; and will do what she believes is right, not society's.

 Society is very judgmental and many try their best to “fit in”. But there is no way of “fitting in”. Within Pharrell William’s new song “Freedom” he states this, “They try to categorize us, they try to put us in a box. And we say no more…” Society is trying to change; celebrities are reaching out and saying, how it’s alright to be different. To not let society control you. People are dreamers, we want to achieve our wildest dreams, even if they seem a little naïve and “out there”.

Natalie Young and Ali Wright, enjoying Starbucks on an afternoon between classes at the Ohio State University